Friday, April 30, 2010

Just another teenager needing boy advice?

i was friends with this boy that lived not to far from me, but a different town and i knew he had a girlfriend, he used to talk about her but i'd never met her. then things started to get more like a relationship and i really liked him, id talk to him all the time, stay up until stupid hours and talking to him online and if i couldn't be with him i'd be texting him. i used to get upset sometimes because saturdays where days he spent with his girlfriend and would get annoyed at myself cause id hate to be with someone and know they had someone else, so i tried to chill things down. but then he stopped talking about her all together and just concentrated on me all the time and i soon just forgot all together that he even had a girlfriend. all his friends know about me and talk to me quite happily and there is no problem but im always feeling bad about his girlfriend. the thing is i know im still young but i really do think i love him. just these last couple of months anything i do he gets super jealous and controlling and tries to make me feel bad about things when i know i haven't done anything wrong, we keep falling out over silly things and it really makes me feel sick to think about him when we're not talking coz i miss him too much. i spent last weekend with him and everything was great, then on the monday he was all weird with me, and now he's ignoring me all together and his friends don't know why, except i met one of his friends the other day and he was drunk and was talking aload of **** like 'you better not talk to me or lewis will get jealous ;)' then started talking about how lewis has been saying stuff to them about how i 'well want him and am i mess without him' and whatever else the bum was saying :L but i know he's gonna come back and sweet talk me and im gonna forgive him again and i really don't want to because it always happens, but i can help it. and for some reason he thinks im the one 'playing games' im like yeah bud, but im single, your the one with the girlfriend. ive always been lovely to him and done everything to be great to him. PLEASE HELP i think my friends are getting sick of me talking about himJust another teenager needing boy advice?
Well, I dont' know how old u r or him 4 the matter but sounds like this is the start of a bad relationship. Honestly u need 2 leave him alone. He's immature an obviously doesn't respect u or the relationship ya'll had.Just another teenager needing boy advice?
I'm not even your friend and I;m sick of hearing about him. He treats you like crap and you want every one to tell you to put up with it? Dump the loser.
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