Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I feel like im wasting my years as a teenager. NEED ADVICE!! 10 POINTS!!?!?

i feel like im just wasting my life,and if i died tomorrow id be pretty disappointed with myself for not living life to the fullest. i want to get acting experience but where i live that's hard to do, i want to learn new skills and commit to a good exercise and diet plan, but im not getting any motivation. i just sit at my computer.. 3 years ago i was having so much fun and was extremely fit. now i just waste away. i need advice to get back on 'life's highway'I feel like im wasting my years as a teenager. NEED ADVICE!! 10 POINTS!!?!?
Computers are extremely addictive, and once you start lounging it is really hard to get up again. It takes 2 weeks to change or break a habit. Set a timer for yourself and stay on the computer for 30 minutes in the morning and then walk out the door. Just go! Take a walk, go to the mall, bowling, batting cages, whatever. Go look up local history spots and go visit them. When you leave school go to college (or not) go somewhere else in the world. As for acting and life goals, you can research on the computer and make that ';research time'; set another 30 min. Look up local playhouses and go watch auditions and plays. Then audition for them. No local playhouses? Does your school have theater? Join up! So try it for 2 weeks and see if you can break your lazy habit and maybe it will take!

Good luck!I feel like im wasting my years as a teenager. NEED ADVICE!! 10 POINTS!!?!?
stop feeling sorry for yourself. You can sit around all day at the computer,like you've said your doing, and complain about how you want to have a more exciting life and get in shape but if you never stop feeling sorry for yourself and actually do something about it thats all you will ever do. Take control of your life, join a gym or something, if you really want to live your life to the fullest only you can change that.
Sounds like you're a little depressed. If you want start a exercise/diet regimen do it. The first step is to take that initiative. Once you get in the habit of a routine, everything falls into place. As far as acting, are there any theatres where you live that puts on plays, or try out for a school play. You're a teenager, you have plenty of time to live the rest of you're life. Many famous actors and actresses today were not actors when they were you're age. They started out acting by joining their school plays. Enjoy being young because it won't last for long; at some point in you're life you'll probably wish you were a kid again.
find some friends that are into the same thing as you. if you live where i live, and it's too cold out to get out and do something, things will get better when it warms up, and you can get out and do something. did you ever hear of the ';winter blahs'; that may be what you are feeling right now. If you find a workout buddy, they will get you motivated. Give yourself a date to start getting fit, and stick to it. Just don't say I will start tomorrow. What was going on 3 years ago that you were having so much fun, but now you aren't?
Man you are exactly like me and its rare to find these days, Ive been experiencing wat your going through and i think we get to this stage because of the guilt of what we were to what we are now.

To get fit again i advise you start in a new environment you havent worked out in, For instance if you did it in the garage in the old days do it in the backyard. Just change your lifestyle around and try adapt. You will just keep getting more depressed and falling if you dont suffer for the first few weeks, You must picture in your mind that we only have one life to live and there is no time to waste!
First.. you have to think of what makes you happy and what you enjoy doing. Then go out and do it. I used to feel the same way. i would just sit home and think about how much my life sucked. but then i realized that im the one that was making it suck so bad by not doing anything with it. Go out and hang out with friends or family. Do activities that you enjoy doing. Live everyday like its your last!!
The only person who can motivate you is you.

Get online, and look for some clubs or something you can do. Phone. Book. And then you have to do it. No backing out.

I was in the same boat last year. I decided... **** it. I'm wasting my life. I need to do something.

Right now, i'm learning to ride a horse, rockclimbing, waitressing and playing golf at a private club, i take a yoga class, i'm learning to ice skate etc etc I've gone from having like no friends (they all went to uni), to having loooads. I'm doing more than ever. And i'm saving to see the world.

Life is what you make it, remember that.
That's what im felling at the moment!

I'm looking into joining some clubs and book fun things like going to concerts do!

Maybe if you make a list of all things you want to do, you might know where to start, and that might motivate you!

Also being on the computer Alot is a Huge distraction (i know very well...!) so try limit your time!

Good Luck!


x x x x
Find a good church and get involved with a Sunday school class. Church always seems to put me in the right direction. Also sunday classes usually do activies outside of church with others like yourself. You will meet new people and have others there for support. Look for a church that has a singles class. Good luck
The first guy is right, do something you've never done before, go see a movie, cycle somewhere distant, go travelling, France is cheap to travel to. Paint something, make a website, band... don't sit in your house theres so much out there and you'll look back and wish you hadn't wasted your years of freedom
pull yourself together and get self disciplined if you are this unhappy that should motivate you to do what you want ... i live in a small village 64 miles away from the nearest city.. and i want to do theatre .. haha. :| i dont know maybe that means we have to work harder.

good luck.. sorry that was like no help
Hey I am going thru sort of the same thing, the thing to do is to get up and go do something, usually pretty early in the morning. That is what I did this morning, and I feel great. Plus it helps, because then your day feels longer. Just getting up early, helps. Hope you start feeling better.
the thing i can tell you is to stop thinking life is over its never over till the lord say it is you got a long life to live ahead of you and the best thing is school school and more school its the best thing in the world.
Um, don't sit at your computer. Join sports. Get with girls, lots of girls. There will be plenty of time to have one girl in your life when your married.
Go outside, hang out with your friends

get a pet(if you dont already have one)

get more hobbies

LOL for no reason(not all the time of people will think your nuts lol)

but ima teen too and thats what I would do.
feel the same mate, coz im on a gap year waiting to go travelling. the best thing to do is get a job and get out there in the world
Join some kind of club and make some new friends...

Go to a couple parties and dances...


Its boring where I live too but I always find something to do.
Get off Yahoo answers then.
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